Pilot Info
We are honored to welcome you to the Brooksville — Tampa Bay Regional Airport. As aviators, you are the heart of the BKV community. We work hard to ensure you will always have everything you need — and we will always be here to support you. The information on this page is for VFR flying. It is not intended to be relied upon as a completely accurate depiction of existing airport conditions. Please use the following information at your discretion and always acquire the latest information from the appropriate sources prior to flight.
FAA Identifier: BKV
Lat/Long: 28-28-25.0000N / 082-27-19.5000W
28-28.416667N / 082-27.325000W
28.4736111 / -82.4554167
Elevation: 75.7 feet (surveyed)
Variation: 04W (2000)
From city: 6 miles southwest of Brooksville, Florida
Time zone: UTC -4 (UTC -5 during Standard Time)
Airport Communications
Brooksville Tower CTAF: 118.55
UNICOM: 123.0
WX ASOS: 134.725 (352) 799-5881
BROOKSVILLE GROUND: 121.4 [0700-2200]
BROOKSVILLE TOWER: 118.55 [0700-2200]
TAMPA APPROACH: 125.3 119.9
TAMPA DEPARTURE: 125.3 119.9
Runway Information
Runway 9/27 7002 x 150 feet
Runway edge lights: Medium intensity
Touchdown point: Yes, no lights
Instrument approach: Category 1 ILS
Runway 3/21 5015 x 150 feet
Runway edge lights: Medium intensity
Touchdown point: Yes, no lights
Air Traffic Control Tower: Daily 7:00 AM – 10:00 PM
Fuel: 100LL and JetA
Navigational Aids
BKV is equipped with an Instrument Landing System (ILS) augmented by a Medium Intensity Approach Lighting System (MALSR) with Runway Alignment Indicator Lights (RAIL) for safe landings during weather conditions that cause low visibility due to fog or rain. An ILS is a precision runway approach aid based on two radio beams which work together to provide pilots with vertical and horizontal guidance during the landing approach. BKV also has the capacity for non-precision approaches to runways 3, 21, and 27.