Infield Infrastructure Development Planning
Planning. Position. Future Focus.
To maximize available airport land use, an Infield Infrastructure Development Plan is underway. This study expands on the overall Airport Infrastructure Development Plan begun in 2020. In this phase, the the study evaluates alternatives for landside developments including new roadways and security improvements. Proposed development alternatives will reflect efficiency and facility requirements as well as implementation, costs and other factors. Airport staff and other Hernando County leadership will use the information contained in the plan to maintain, plan for and develop infrastructure within the airport’s infield development area.
Specific goals of the BKV IIDP Study include:
- Provide an efficient layout for future development aligned with the county’s land use
and the airport demand. - Evaluate the airport’s vision to attract new business and create new demand.
- Coordinate the future development with existing facilities and short-term projects
proposed at the airport by existing and potential future tenants. - Identify the necessary drainage and utility improvements to provide a flexible and
scalable system for a variety of different business needs. - Generate an implementation plan that prioritizes development areas that could be
fast growing, easier to implement, and tied to the airport’s ongoing marketing efforts. - Prioritize capital investment projects that create jobs.
- Review and identify landside facilities that are currently or anticipated to be needed
to accommodate future aviation activity while fully meeting FAA design and safety